Thursday, January 26, 2012

Things That Make Me Happy

A random list of things that make me happy. :)

The fact that I'm changing my walls, and putting up pictures.  I'm dedicating the walls around my bed just to things that make me happy. I like being happy.

Lilac scented candle! I love lilacs. Easily my favorite part of spring. With the huge lilac bush, we can pick enough that the whole house smells like them for a couple weeks. 

Yoplait Boston Creme Pie yogurt! BEST YOGURT EVER.
Spur of the moment sleepovers!  Last night as Alex and Chris were leaving after meeting, Alex mentioned that she didn't have school today either, so after a short begging-the-parents scene, we started a typical sleepover night. :D We watched Schoolhouse Rock on YouTube, ate sugar cookies, danced around and were generally loud in the main room, and then went up to Tori's room to write crazy things before sleeping. Sounds like summer. 
Cody came in and quoted a grammar video, and Alex about died. It really wasn't THAT funny.

One of the random pictures of Alex's ninja dance. :) Seeing the whole sequence is probably one of the funniest things ever. 

Singing for us. :)

Webcam pictures with Alex and Tori. They make me laugh. :D
I think this was supposed to be part ninja or something. But the faces are priceless.

Semi-normal, besides my weird face.

Ahhhhh this reminds me of Bill the cat. 

Non-pictured things that ought to be on this list:

This song also makes me happy. It's a fantastically happy song. 
Sledding: with the ridiculous amount of ice around, you can sled forever on the ancient toboggan. We could go from the corral to past the barn without stopping. It was awesome fun.
Two day school week!!! This really doesn't need to be explained. 

     The ice that was so awesome for sledding isn't actually awesome. The roads are clear, but the fields and driveways and everything are impossibly icy. I fell 591563873 times today. Trying to go up any sort of hill, not matter how tiny, is pretty much impossible with the tractor. We're supposed to be getting more tonight too. Hopefully we get snow again to cover it up.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Long Weekend

We were supposed to have a three day weekend last weekend, because of Martin Luther King Day, but it turned out to be a 5 day weekend! We had a snow day on Thursday due to ice, and then one on Friday due to more ice and snow. So we had a nice long break! And next week there are Regents, so we only have to go  Monday and Friday. Loving part-time school. I think we've had a total of like 6 weeks this year that we went to school all 5 days? Sooooo nice!

The moon last week. :) It was especially lovely.

The sun on Wednesday was awe-thum.

Our weather's been really weird this year, so last week after an icy Thursday, it was warm Friday morning before getting cold again. So a lot of the ice melted and was in this puddle against the house, and the new room got water in it, so we moved all the furniture and pulled the water away from the house and shop vac-ed all the water out of the room and such. Then we put everything back again on  Monday, but yesterday it got warm again, so the new snow and ice melted and leaked in. Dad just told me this. Oops. 

Snowy farm!

I took my camera with me Friday when we went to feed cows. So I wandered around on the hill freezing my hands for a while after we fed them to take pictures. It was fun though.

Most of the birches around here didn't like all the ice.

The corral, all ice-ified.

On Saturday Fiona, Tori, and I walked up to Owen and Ashley's house since Fiona hadn't seen it in awhile. It was SUPER cold and windy. It was about 0, but it felt way colder. And when we fed cows, I wasn't dressed super warmly, and I about froze to death. Well, not really. I just got wickedly cold.

When it was sunny, the trees were lovely with their ice.

Tyler was over Saturday, and the girls " 'tended he was sick".

Sunday afternoon laziness!

That crazy Gilbert kid. :)

Props to Tori! She took my camera out Sunday afternoon. 

I love the way the snow gets when it blows across the field.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Cristin's Wedding

Cristin and Andy got married on New Years Eve in Vermont. Bethaney, Justin, Tori and I all headed over to Brandon for the festivities.  A lot of these pictures were resized for Facebook, but I decided to put them up here instead, so they might be a little blurry. Also, when the lighting is poor, my camera tends to give the pictures a textured look, like it's watercolor paper. Weird. But it's a minor complaint, and my camera's been awesome otherwise! 

Waiting for Cristin!

During the ceremony.

Verity doing her lovely poem reading. :)

Mary looking all pretty in her bridesmaid dress. 


I loved her hairpiece!

And her dress was wicked pretty. :)

The cool kids!

Part of the decoration on the mantelpiece in the library. It really was a very randomly decorated inn. It was called the Lilac Inn, but focused mainly on elephants and palm trees, with a few random hydrangeas. But it was lovely all in all. After a couple hours of the reception in the ballroom, we headed into the library to talk to the Earls and such. It was just a little quieter in there. 

Alex showing off some of the New Years attire. :)

Those crazy Earl girls! 

Jill and Justin with their interesting hats. :) Nina got a picture of them that was just so hilarious I had to steal it from Facebook:

Oh yeah!

Semi-normal picture!

"Skinny Angle!!!"

Verity was bummed about not getting to see Linds, so she had Tori get a picture with her to pretend. :)

Awww cute couple!

And another!

And again!

And then about 20 minutes before midnight, we went out to the reception again.

Sparklers at midnight! It was so super pretty! And then after awhile they turned the disco ball on, the smoke made the light from the ball turn into beams all over. Which was also cool.

First picture of us this year! 

Haha love it!

Excited, smoky picture! The smoke and the flash didn't make for the best pictures ever. 

Nina, Andrea, and Matt! 

We are so cool. Be jealous!

2012 has been great so far! And looks like it's going to continue that way!  There's lots of exciting things happening, like possible roadtrips, visiting cousins, all that sort of stuff! This weekend Fiona, Tori, Alex, and I are heading down Syracuse way, since Fiona's going to Dave and Eleanor's. The rest of us will crash at Clover's and annoy her. :) And hopefully see Kim!